Results Reports
There are 3 results reports each having a different level of detail and length depending on your needs.

Profile Report
This 1 page report lists the applicant's scores and how the scores compare to the "green" ranges of the profile. Good for seeing how the profile score is determined. Only available for the Personality Plus® and Johnston Index® assessments.

Psychograph Report
This 1 page "grid" based report displays the applicants scores and a brief explanation of what the scores mean. Only available for the Personality Plus® and Johnston Index® assessments.

Team Master® Report
This unique report lets you put together a team of appliants who have taken the Personality Plus® and create a report that will help you determine how their personalities will work together. A leader and up to 5 members can be chosen. This report will help you as a manager determine the strong and weak attributes of your team from a personality point of view.